Benne de Weger - Algorithms for Diophantine Equations

PhD thesis, January 6, 1988, University of Leiden
Supervisor: prof. Rob Tijdeman

The version made available here is the original thesis version, not the later CWI Tract version.

Cover (33 KB)
Front matter (21 KB)
Contents (60 KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (666 KB)
Chapter 2 - Preliminaries (287 KB)
Chapter 3 - Algorithms for diophantine approximation (706 KB)
Chapter 4 - S-integral elements of binary recurrence sequences (681 KB)
Chapter 5 - The inequality 0 < x - y < yδ in S-integers (358 KB)
Chapter 6 - The equation x + y = z in S-integers (494 KB)
Chapter 7 - The sum of two S-units being a square (822 KB)
Chapter 8 - The Thue equation (550 KB)
References (231 KB)
Summary (in Dutch) (86 KB)
Curriculum Vitae (in Dutch) (35 KB)
Stellingen (in Dutch) (66 KB)